The Penny Poet
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Welcome to The Penny Poet
The Penny Poet writes to your needs. He attends to occasions of joy and sadness, catastrophy and dreams, through the realm of WORD. Following are some examples of The Penny Poet's work. If you have need of his services, send an e-mail explaining the circumstances of your situation, anonymous is fine although all communications will remain confidential. Be sure to list a time frame. The Penny Poet will write your piece, post  and/or e-mail it to you. You may send the penny at your convenience.
Updates and Publications

January 11, 2004:  Just finished updates on the Wulf Art page and Publication links.  

 I have been writing all my life and have just had my first piece accepted for official publication. 'Swan Song' will appear in the August edition of the chapbook series, 'A Hudson View', and the August edition of 'Skyline Literary Magazine'. i have also begun to e-publish much of my work, songs, novels, and poetry at The Penny Poet is a project I have worked on for many years though I never gave it a name. Hope you enjoy what you see here and thanks for taking a bit of time to visit.

Each side of peace i ride...

It is About

It is about tomorrow,
all the tomorrow moments
we will live without you.
You are there all the more
because you are gone.
It is about forgiving...
you, for shocking the peace of our living,
taking yourself from us,
for not understanding
how very much we needed... you.

It is about your pain,
the pieces, apart from our sharing,
the path your sweet steps would follow.
It is about our guilt,
our inability to comprehend your depth,
the closed walls you had made,
the doors we never heard closing.

It is about goodbye,
the salt in the tear on your cheek,
the soft breath of your living,
no waving hand, no parting kiss,
just goodbye.
It is about acceptance;
what you were is what we are.
And what you will always be,
the good love and times we shared.
It is about you, Child.

In 1996 my daughter was working in a card store. A distraught lady came in searching for a card for her sister whose seventeen-year-old daughter had committed suicide. My daughter said, "We don't sell such a card but tell me what happened. My Dad will write something for you." At first i was a bit miffed at the pressure this put me under but soon realized what a gift such confidence in one's parent signified. i hugged my daughter, took a couple of deep breaths, penned the following (it took a day or two), and sent it to the grieving lady. This was done with some trepidation but my fears were assuaged when the lady wrote me back, thanked me and told me her niece had been eulogized through the piece.

Submissions and E-mail

This is a photograph entitled "Spiritual Ground" It was published in the Summer edition of 'Flasquake Magazine"



A distraught young lady, soon-to-be single mother, bewailed the coming of her Child. She asked me, a father of five, what to expect, what to do. i advised her to calm herself, push worries about the absent father from her mind, and prepare herself for joy. A few days later i sat down, wrote 'A Child is...' and sent it to her.

A Child is...

A Child is
a moment of sunshine
forever illuminating
the inner hallways
of our existence.

A Child is
the answer
to all we are,
the solution
to all we would be
and are not.

A Child is
responsibility defined,
the perfect symmetry
of reward
foreshadowing deed.

A Child is
proof positive of worth,
when the questions
come falling,
"Who am I?"
"What have I done?"

A Child is
a keeper of promises,
a Child is
a beautiful promise kept.